Best fares, easy and straightforward integration

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With the routes endpoint you can request our full list of supported routes. Routes are updated several times daily.

Routes with Availability


This list of routes will include availability from-to dates between which and days of the week on which flights are known to be flying. You can use this to limit your searches and reduce server load.
This will return a JSON array of objects, each consisting of
  • dep Departure Code
  • des Destination Code
  • dow CSV Days of the week, such as Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun
  • from Availability starts from date
  • to Availability ends on date
You may want to update daily, but updating hourly is not a problem.

Routes in CSV format


Please use View Source as browsers will not interpret the \n character as a line break!

Routes with full Airport data in JSON


Each object in the response represents a route and has the following fields

  • departure departure airport object
    • id ID of the airport
    • iata IATA code of the airport
    • city City name
    • country Country name
  • destination destination airport object
    • id ID of the airport
    • iata IATA code of the airport
    • city City name
    • country Country name

JSON Response

Example JSON Response

            "departure": {
                "city":"Dar Es Salaam",
            "destination": {
            "departure": {
            "destination": {
                "city":"Dar Es Salaam",