price Booking Price.
Price is approximate.
Individual segments and/or flights may be in different currencies.
Approximation calculated using public currency exchange data.
currency Booking Currency
booker Booker data
title Title
id Title ID
name Title as string
firstName First Name
lastName Last Name
email Booker Email
phoneCode Serialized Country
id Title ID
name Title as string
phoneCode Phone Code as string
phoneNumber Phone Number
passengers An array of passengers
type Passenger Type
id Type ID
name Type as string
title Passenger Title
id Title ID
name Title as string
firstName First Name
lastName Last Name
email Booker Email
phoneCode Serialized Country
id Title ID
name Title as string
phoneCode Phone Code as string
phoneNumber Phone Number
nationality Serialized Country
id Title ID
name Title as string
phoneCode Phone Code as string
birthDate Birth Date
year 4-digit Year
month Month, no leading zeros, starting from 1
day Day, no leading zeros, starting from 1
passport Passport Data. Will be null if all fields are null, otherwise a hash with the following structure:
type Document Type ID
1: Passport
2: National ID
number Document Number
expiry Document Expiry
year 4-digit Year
month Month, no leading zeros, starting from 1
day Day, no leading zeros, starting from 1
issuer Document Issuer Country
id Title ID
name Title as string
phoneCode Phone Code as string
issueDate Document Issue Date
year 4-digit Year
month Month, no leading zeros, starting from 1
day Day, no leading zeros, starting from 1
nationalId Passport Data. Will be null if all fields are null, otherwise a hash with the following structure:
type Document Type ID
1: Passport
2: National ID
number Document Number
expiry Document Expiry
year 4-digit Year
month Month, no leading zeros, starting from 1
day Day, no leading zeros, starting from 1
issuer Document Issuer Country
id Title ID
name Title as string
phoneCode Phone Code as string
issueDate Document Issue Date
year 4-digit Year
month Month, no leading zeros, starting from 1
day Day, no leading zeros, starting from 1
segments Segments
flightId Flight ID
A single flight may ID may be present more than once if it has several legs.
From / To will reflect each leg's departure/destination airports
id ID of the airport
iata IATA code of the airport
city City name
country Country name
id ID of the airport
iata IATA code of the airport
city City name
country Country name
price Price
currency Currency Code
class Class Name
classCode Class Code
cabinLuggage Total Cabin luggage for THIS passenger
amount Amount of luggage allowed in the measure unit below
unit Measure Unit
id Measure unit ID
code Measure unit Code - usually KG, but LB and OZ are also supported
name Measure unit human-readable name
checkInLuggage Total Check In luggage for THIS passenger
amount Amount of luggage allowed in the measure unit below
unit Measure Unit
id Measure unit ID
code Measure unit Code - usually KG, but LB and OZ are also supported
name Measure unit human-readable name
flights An array of Flights
from An Airport object
id ID of the airport
iata IATA code of the airport
city City name
country Country name
to An Airport object
id ID of the airport
iata IATA code of the airport
city City name
country Country name
legs An array of Leg objects
from An Airport object
id ID of the airport
iata IATA code of the airport
city City name
country Country name
to An Airport object
id ID of the airport
iata IATA code of the airport
city City name
country Country name
number Flight number
dates An object containing relevant dates
departure Departure date
date Local Date in the timezone below in the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format
duration Flight duration in seconds and HH:MM format
human Flight duration in the HH:MM format, suitable for directly displaying to people
seconds Flight duration in seconds
airline An airline object
id The ID of the airline operating the flight
name The name of the airline operating the flight
twoLetterCode Airline's internationally-recognized two letter code
Required booker data - applies to
Create Booking
Phone Code and Phone Number are both required.
Nationality is required.
Birth Date Required.
Birth Date Required - only applies to children.
Birth Date Required - only applies to infants.
Place of Birth.
Passport data required. Please refer to
Create Booking
for reference.
Document Number
Document Expiry Date
Document Issuing Country
Document Issue Date
National ID data required. Please refer to
Create Booking
for reference.
Document Number
Document Expiry Date
Document Issuing Country
Document Issue Date
Required passenger data - applies to
Create Booking
First Name, Last Name and Title are all required.
Valid Email is required.
Phone Code and Phone Number are both required.
Nationality is required.
site Site information - where end customers will be redirected upon booking redirection
id Website ID, makes it easier to collect and build relevant website-related information to present to the customer whilst they are being redirected
name Website name
url Website URL
logo Logo URL that you can programmatically download or serve as a hotlink as new sites are added
Whether tickets will immediately be issued and returned immediately in your successful
Issue Booking
call, as well as via
Get Booking
. If false then tickets will follow shortly.
You can query every hour or so to update your database with the ticket numbers and PNR Refs.
id Flight ID. You can save this and use it later to either redirect to booking or do a direct booking
An array of tickets. Will be missing from the response if the booking is not ticketed.
Please note that booking a Flight with instantTicketing set to false
will not yield tickets immediately, eg the tickets key will be missing.
You can query every hour or so to get the ticket data.
pnrReference String. PNR Reference for this flight's ticket.